Saturday, November 04, 2006


Just had my Tamil A lvls yesterday. I would say it wasn't too bad la. Hopefully, and praying hard that i can get at least an E. So don't ever have to take tamil again in my life. How shiiookkkkk would that be.... Anyway musn't be too happy yet. Still got one more exam to go before this year ends. Project Work on Monday. And my group hasn't even practiced the speech together yet. As always, last minute, we're gonna do it on sunday. Woopdidoooo....That's gonna help, well at least hopefully..

Suppose to be doing the rest of my InR now. But i'm just so bloody lazy....and besides, i don't understand half the fucking things the stupid lee suan wrote on my bloody paper...Can anyone explain to me this question..(What is the basis of choice of ideas to include in the project?)...What fucking basis shit is she talking about sia.....How the hell are we gonna know what stupid question she's asking if she just comes up with a question out of nowhere. Thank god she's leaving next year. The new batch won't have to suffer..

Gonna Practice my bass now...Since there's so much of time to waste...Peace out.

got fucked at.. 1:34 PM