Saturday, October 21, 2006
Another Day PassesWoke up quite early today.Dunno why. Took a damm cold shower, I died la but it was so shiok. Woke me right up. Went to do the rest of my PW. This bloody PW is the worst, most irritating thing i ever done in my life i swear. Especially with the world's most fucked up teacher. OOOHH...everytime i even think about her, something makes me wanna tear someones head off...ERRR....Anyway i don't wanna spoil my saturday thinking about some no good bitchy ass piece of shit.
Listening to some chinese song now..Dunno the name, but it has one very nice bass solo. Gonna jam that with yi chen one of these days. Quite surprising, never really heard a chinese song with that kind of solo before. Arms freakin pain now sia. Dunno what the hell i did...Aches all over. Woke up just now, felt like someone had tortured me the night before.
I would say i'm feeling better though...I think i'm finally learning to except life as it is. What comes will come,what goes will go, what happens will happen. No doubt in that. Its just how we handle the situations that vary. That affects the outcome. Hoping is not enough, if we want something badly, we have to go all the way to make sure we get it no matter what. In the end, what matters is that we get what we wanted. There would be repercussions though. Might not be for the person himself, but for someone else who could have been indirectly affected. Well thats the sadest case. That person will just have to live gratefully with what they have. These people would be blessed though. To live through life knowing what you want but not getting it is much harder than it sounds. They should be rewarded. They have the will to carry on no matter what. For this, i sincerely respect these people. They have an aspect in life that i wish i'm strong enough to have.....