Thursday, November 02, 2006

Finally... new blog updationarism is finally over.. please inform me of anything you guys find im missing. Cause i have no how you guys like it? Wanted to go with some candle burning skin, but i didn't like the idea of it being in oe corner of the screen. So i rather have a full screen one, looks much nicer. Besides, i was getting kinda sick of the old gay-ish mushroom head thingy. Prefered a darker theme.

Anyway today was a special day. I call it my personal grooming day. 1st of all, i got a new blog skin and edited everythin. Then went to cut my hair. YUPZZ. I asked the lady to cut a tail for me, ended up cutting a fin. Well im alright with it,just that i cant gel that part to school. Now i look like some punkster. Came home and cut alll my didn't have to know that. Also shaved, well i woudn't really say clean cause itll grow back by tonight. So there's not much of a point. So you see, basically i cleaned myself up today. And it has nothing to do with my A level MT exams being tomorrow i swear. No really.... I mean it. Just wanted to do everythin today.LOL. Don't know why.

So now done with everything, just have to make sure i can remember all my tamil stuff later. Then my day is accomplished. Sounds so bloody easy, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........ its not...sianzzzzzzz....

got fucked at.. 1:37 PM