Thursday, February 01, 2007
Ok, enough with that. Although i think i'm gonna flunk damm badly, who the hell cares?!?!? Its over. HOWEVER, allow me to contradict myself, it has just begun. 1st test is over. Now is where the real test begins. Test on how much effort i've actually put into my school work. Well, for now i can say that i'm no where close to doing well. I'll have to work so bloody much harder for that. Especially for maths. That is the freakin killer. I'll just have to start from scratch. There's not much time anymore. If i'm gonna start it soon, its gotta be reeeeal soon, as in like, IMMEDIATELY!!! But until that, i'll just slack my lazy crap candy ass of on this chair typing this shit. But i swear i'll start soon.
Beside the part of me trying to start studying for the As, i have to say something to all the motherfuckers out there who think they know what music is. First, a definiton. Music is expression. Any kind of sound, as long as interpreted by someone, is music. It might not be to you, but to others it is. Ok, i don't like techno. But i know there are people out there who live on it. In their eyes, techno is music, and its their life. So what if i don't like techno, i won't listen to it and just keep my mouth shut. Better then giving comments. If i were to give comments, only to a person who shares the same taste as me. Won't be a problem there. But if i were to go straight to a person and tell him that i don't like his kind of music and he should stop listening to that kind of shit, now i would just be pissing the ass of him. He wounldn't like that now would he. what the hell is my point in this. I'm just trying to say that, IF YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT KIND OF MUSIC I LIKE, THEN DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TELL ME TO CHANGE WHAT I PLAY. CAUSE YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT KIND OF MUSIC I LIKE AND WHAT I LIKE TO EXPRESS, MY MUSIC IS MY EXPRESSION, AND NO MOTHERFUCKER IS GONNA TELL ME WHAT TO PLAY OR WHAT NOT TO PLAY. CAUSE I'M GONNA PLAY WHAT THE FUCKING HELL I WANNA PLAY. SO SHUT YOUR FUCKKING MOUTH AND JUST LISTEN. IF YOU DON't LIKE IT, FUCK OFF BITCH!!!
Phew....that feels so much better. Had to get that out. Bloody bitches think they know what good music is. Tell em to shuff their electronic shit up their ass. I'm stickin to my rock. I'll play what i feel is nice... I'm not gonna listen to some no good two-bit gay motherfucker just because he thinks hes more experienced then us. Experience this you son of a bitch. Well i think i'm pretty much done bloggin for now. Till next time...