Friday, June 01, 2007

This Sucks...

Ok firstly, i have not been abandoning my blog. Its just that i rarely come online properly..not cause i was busy studying or anything. But more of the fact that i'm fucking depressed, like a bitch. Yea i know...sounds like any other teenager going through some teenage mid-life crisis or some shit. But honestly, i don't give two-fucking-hoots how it sounds like. Seriously can't be bothered. I think everyone agrees with me on this one, school sucks, people just sucks, period. ALTHOUGH, i must definitely not forget those who have such a good life, and who totally refute this meaningless little claim of mine. Well fuck yall....Don't give a shit what yall think. My life just sucks, and that's it.

It has somewhat come to a point where talking offers no use at all. No more listening, no more talking, no more feeling sad, no more sympathy. I'm just fucking it all off. The only way this wounds gonna heal is when i'm sure everything is at my control. When i'm sure everything i wanted to happen, happens. that's gonna be the time of my life where i can finally just sit back, relax and release all my worries.

I'm sure many people whom i know feel the exact same way as i do. Just wanting everything around em to stop, and finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Well right now, the tunnel ain't ending for me, and the only light i'm seeing, is just from another freight train. So that's just too fucking bad for li'l ole me. Mr. Don't-Give-A- Fuck still won't plead. HAHA....It all just sounds so bloody funny after awhile. Ha..Well you know what, who the fuck cares..ah fuck it...

got fucked at.. 8:56 PM