Saturday, August 05, 2006


Most of yall know tht i'd like to write what i feel in me. Wether its good or bad. Anyway ive got a little story to tell you listen closely. its not a sad or happy story. but its a meaningful, and i bet its relates to some of, maybe at least once in your life. well it did for me....

There was once this little duck called DOPE. This duck was a very friendly duck. HE was one of the most talkative ducks anyone has ever known. HE knew everyone in the village and he was loved by all because of his kindness and care for everyone. Like every other teenage duck, DOPE had its own clique whom he hangs around around with everyday of his life.Suddenly on a dark stormy night, he and his friends got stuck under a tree while trying take cover from the rain. As those poor ducks had no education, they did not know it was dangerous to stand under trees during storms. Suddenly, out of a flash, lightning happened to strike down on those poor little ducks. Immediately everyone fell on the ground, not knowing if they were still alive or dead. They all passed out then and there.

In the morining, DOPE woke up i the hospital bed with aches all over his body. He slowly opened his eyes as the light passed through with a sharp blinding pain. Afetr he fully awoke, he found out that out of all his 6 friends, only two survived. He immeadiately started shedding tears of sorrow. Afetr a few days, the only friend who survived with him had stopped talking to him completely. He was very puzzled and very sad as he didnt know what wrong he had done. Even ducks who were friends with his only surviving friend didnt tell him anything. And thus, a once friendly and enthusiastic duck was now all alone without any friends left. Until this day he does not know what had happened and still wonders about it everyday.

This story tells alot,even though most of you peeps would be wondering about what the hell im talking about. Well at least some of you would sure. Im sure. And i know im not talking rubbish cause some of you i know have went through the same thing. Well open the doors, cause guess what, im joining the party.

got fucked at.. 2:25 PM